Securing sensitive company data requires continuous monitoring and validation of security policies and controls. Globalscape EFT makes it easy for an administrator to create and maintain file-transfer services that meet or exceed these standards with a simple set-up wizard. Once enabled, these modules are ever-vigilant security tool that disallows low-security options, captures compensating controls, and generates reports for auditing the system’s compliance status.

Centralize user access controls, improve productivity, and increase adherence to security policies
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Globalscape EFT’s Advanced Authentication Modes Module (AAMM) eliminates the need to create and track built-in, user, and administrator accounts by using your existing Active Directory infrastructure for account creation. This helps you maintain the security of your accounts in one location. Additionally, the AAMM provides for easy-to-use authentication methods, including SAML (WebSSO), RSA® SecurID®, RADIUS, and CAC support.
The Advanced Authentication Modes Module can be your single source of authentication across the many IT resources you use, including EFT. For user authentication, you can use an AD, NTLM, LDAP, or ODBC-compatible database, or Globalscape EFT’s built-in authentication manager.

Ongoing Regulatory Compliance
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The Regulatory Compliance Module (RCM) for Globalscape EFT helps achieve or exceed security practices mandated by government and industry standards such as GDPR, CCPA, PCI DSS, HIPAA, Sarbanes-Oxley, and others for data transfer, access, and storage. The module protects data in transit by enforcing the use of secure protocols, strong ciphers and encryption keys, and by maintaining strict password policies.
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Track File Movement from Beginning to End
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