Use Unicast Instead of Multicast HA Configuration
EFT High Availability (HA) users can increase system stability and throughput by using unicast network configuration instead of multicast. TCP-based unicast communication is widely supported by all networks. It enables high availability support for environments that do not support multicast broadcasting. It also improves node-out-of-sync detection and availability.
Best Practice
Apply unicast to boost the reliability and flexibility of your EFT deployment, further ensuring safe delivery of your critical file exchanges.
To use unicast, a registry setting must be enabled:
- Multicast broadcasting is the system default. TCP (unicast) method of broadcasting ftp.cfg was developed for environments that do not support multicast (e.g., Azure and vMotion).
- To use the TCP instead of multicast broadcasting, set the Advanced Registry key ClusterCoherenceQueueMsmqType to msmq-iterative
Example: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 7.4\ClusterCoherenceQueueMsmqType=msmq-iterative
- To use multicast broadcasting, either delete the key or set the ClusterCoherenceQueueMsmqType = msmq-multicast
Example: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node\GlobalSCAPE Inc.\EFT Server 7.4\ClusterCoherenceQueueMsmqType=msmq-multicast
Read more about HA here or contact sales for more information.