A global payment processing organization was looking for a top-of-the-line managed file transfer (MFT) provider, with plans to embark on an MFT journey to alleviate and enhance their IT infrastructure. As a worldwide business, they are required to provide a secure file transfer platform to exchange data with their customers on a daily basis. This payment processor came to Globalscape to organize their file transfer infrastructure into one centralized MFT solution built specifically for large enterprises.
Read our case study to learn how this payment processor was able to deploy a sophisticated highly-available MFT solution, including disaster recovery preparedness to automate and secure their most vital data transfers.
Key Benefits
- Secure data transfers, as well as encryption of data at rest and in transit
- New quick, reliable, and secure method of file sharing, superior to consumer-grade SFTP
- High availability active-passive server cluster with load balancing and easy disaster recovery scenarios