Transfer Large Files Quickly

Large file transfers are often a huge challenge for organizations, especially when the data needs to be transferred across great distances and dispersed servers within a short period of time. Trying to send a large file without the right set of tools means that you may risk data security, high latency, TCP/IP transfer limitations, failed data transfer, data loss, and an inefficient use of bandwidth.

With a fast file transfer solution that is equipped to handle large files, then you won’t be faced with missing SLAs and critical deadlines and you won’t have to spend time worrying when your large file will reach its destination, as you would if you were forced to travel with or ship hard copies of data.    

Problems solved by a fast file transfer solution include:

  • Inefficient utilization of bandwidth
  • File transfer bottlenecks stemming from excessive latency
  • Slow, inaccurate, and inefficient file transfer processes
  • Large file transfers
  • Long distance file transfer, including large dataset transfers

Understanding the common data transfer challenges that stem from data transfer delays, and how a fast file transfer solution helps are crucial when it comes to evaluating vendors and fast file transfer solutions. 

Learn more about the common challenges through the following series of questions:

Bandwidth Utilization

Bandwidth Utilization

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Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transmitted in a certain amount of time. Bandwidth utilization is the amount of bandwidth used compared to the total bandwidth available. Use all of the bandwidth that you pay for, all of the time. Your company pays for a specific amount of bandwidth from your service provider. How much bandwidth you pay for depends on the maximum you expect to use. However, only during an occasional spike do you actually use all of the bandwidth that you pay for.



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Latency is the time it takes a file transfer to transfer over a network. Latency has a negative connotation, as in "the latency of the network is slowing down my transfers." [Latency + bandwidth] define the speed and capacity of a network.



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Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol; Protocol most often used for Internet communications; TCP is optimized for accurate delivery rather than timely delivery, and therefore, TCP sometimes incurs relatively long delays while waiting for out-of-order messages or retransmissions of lost messages. It is not particularly suitable for real-time applications such as VOIP.

Data is split up into pieces and sent as individual "packets," and then the packets are reassembled at the receiving end. Extra data is added in the form a "header" that tells the receiving end how to reassemble the packets and to make sure everything that is sent is actually received. This splitting up the file and reassembling the file and sending acknowledgements back and forth to make sure there are no errors causes the transfer to be slower (i.e., causes latency).