Enterprise Actions Module for Globalscape EFT

The Enterprise Actions Module (EAM) allows Globalscape EFT administrators to configure and run Event Rules such as REST invocation and subroutines to both automate and optimize their business processes.

EAM adds heft to the core set of automation actions built in to Globalscape EFT, including simplifying and automating event rules such as:

  • Compression
  • Custom commands
  • PowerShell scripts
  • File/folder operations
  • Dataset operations
  • CSV export/import datasets
  • Invoking web services
  • And more

Event Rules Add Ease to Complex Actions

Globalscape EFT provides event rules with complex actions, enabling you to streamline business processes without limitations imposed by legacy systems and applications.

With an intuitive interface, administrators can easily create sophisticated automation and integration workflows without the need for code, scripting, or complicated batch files. Streamline business processes such as routine transfers, compliance reports, and data retention/ cleanup policies.

Event rules are based on a simple premise: an event occurs that triggers an action. In the EFT administration interface, you can specify Actions (e.g., send an email) to occur when an event (e.g., file upload) takes place. Additionally, you can specify one or more Conditions (e.g., specific IP address connected) that must exist before an action is taken or that influence the action that is taken. For example, monitor a specific folder for new or changed files, then perform actions on those files, such as sending an email and moving the file to a user’s home folder.