Globalscape Enables SWIFT-Compliant Secure Transfers

A consumer goods company asked Globalscape to help them comply with SWIFT requirements and the associated Customer Security Controls (CSP) Framework to transact securely and reliably. SWIFT is a leading provider of secure financial messaging services that provides reliable, secure, and efficient messaging services to their community of users. More than 11,000 institutions use SWIFT and all users are required to comply with SWIFT’s mandatory CSP Framework. 

The client looked to Globalscape to provide an SFTP option that is:

  • Easy to configure, manage, and use
  • Low cost, yet secure and flexible
  • Doesn’t require a VPN
  • Can comply with the SWIFT CSP Framework

Thanks to the robust security, auditing, and reporting, and the quick and easy deployment, the company was able
to not only meet SWIFT requirements ahead of schedule, but to also streamline their transfers with automation
using EFT.

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