A global, upscale retail brand has service-level agreements (SLA) with their banking and credit card processing partners, risking an increase in rates or loss of service. Most file transfers occur nightly, and all parties (the organization and the partners) require that files are received within milliseconds of specific time-segment expectations.
Their disparate, legacy managed file transfer (MFT) system was unreliable and often caused the retail brand to miss SLAs. The company also had problems reliably exchanging files with their offshore manufacturing facilities, global distribution centers, and central distribution clearinghouse.
The company transitioned to EFT Enterprise, adopting Globalscape’s advanced automation system Event Rules. Transitioning to EFT Enterprise allowed the company to not only meet those crucial SLAs and business continuity policies, but also to streamline the originally complicated and manual workflows for HR and payroll. With their new managed file transfer solution in place, the incoming HR and payroll data automatically transfers to the appropriate department file location on the network.
Key Benefits
- Saved $100,000 in maintenance and support costs
- Met SLAs through secure, automated file transfers
- Streamlined processes by eliminating an inefficient legacy MFT system